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Tag Archives: Rebuilt
#270903: MHS61A
Make: UD Nissan, Model: MHS61A Early model, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 30mm, Spline teeth: 16, Case length: 39.5cm, 3-month warranty, Fit FE6 etc. engines of Condor MK
#270804: MHS61A later
Make: UD Nissan, Model: MHS61A Late, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 30mm, Spline teeth: 16, Case length: 39.5cm, 3-month warranty, Fit FE6 etc. engines of Condor MK
#270729: MBJ6U
Make: Isuzu, Model: MBJ6U late, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 38mm, Spline teeth: 10, Case : #305 Alloy, 3-month warranty, Fit 6HH1, 6HE1 etc. engines of NRR33 (Elf), FRR33 (Forward)
#250727: MKS61B
Make: UD Nissan, Model: MKS61B, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 44mm, Spline teeth: 10, Case length: 43.5cm, 3-month warranty, Fit JO7E etc. engines of Condor
#250717: M050S6
Make: Mitsubishi, Model: M050 S6, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 44mm (big shaft), Spline teeth: 14, 3-month warranty, Fit 6D15, 6D16, 6M60, 6M61 etc. engines of Canter / Fighter
#250716: FM/FK M060S6C
Make: Mitsubishi, Model: M060 S6, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 44mm (short shaft), Spline teeth: 14, 3-month warranty, Fit 6D15, 6D16, 6D17, 6M60, 6M61 etc. engines of Canter / Fighter
#250707: MK/LK MKS60A
Make: UD Model: MKS60A, Speed: 6, Status: Rebuilt, All new bearings, All new Synchros, All new bearings, All new gears, Spline diameter: 37mm, Spline teeth: 10, Main case number: 32101-Z5072 Main case length: 43.5cm Memo: has oil pump & filter 3-month warranty, Fit FE6, MD92 etc. engines of Condor
#250625: M050S6
Make: Mitsubishi, Model: M050 S6, Speed: 6, Status: REBUILT, Spline diameter: 37.5mm (small shaft), Spline teeth: 14, 3-month warranty, Fit 6D15, 6D16, 6M60, 6M61 etc. engines of Canter / Fighter